Systemic Family Constellations

Family and systemic constellations create a safe and confidential space where personal issues can be explored. In just one session, a constellation can help to reveal and shift unconscious intergenerational dynamics that silently play in the background, stirring the course of our lives. Sometimes the smallest of movements in the system can help to restore the flow of love among its members and transform our lives for the better.

Here is a link to a lecture by scientist Rupert Sheldrake, if you wish to learn more about Hellinger's Family Constellations and The Morphic Field.

Here is an article in the BACP journal that provides some context. 


There are limited issue holder tickets for each day to allow enough time for each piece of work, however, each constellation will usually last one hour. Representatives will also benefit from each constellation as there is always a resonance with the work we are called in to support.

Clients must complete a health questionnaire before the workshop to confirm their place. Please, email Maria at to request a form or more info.


Sat 16th Nov, 10- 3 pm @ Friends Meeting House, Leicester

Sat 25th Jan, 10- 3 @ Friends Meeting House, Leicester

Sat 26th April, 10- 3 @ Friends Meeting House, Leicester

Sat 23rd August, 10-3 @ Friends Meeting House, Leicester

For 1:1 sessions email